
The following information is provided as-is without warranty, and is intended to help with troubleshooting issues logging into this system.

What's a Cookie?

A cookie is a small text file (i.e. kilobytes) saved on a computer's hard disk, used to store information and managed by an internet browser. A Web site may store (or receive) information it saves in a cookie.

What's in a Cookie?

Martin Connection uses cookies to store usernames and other non-sensitive data, usually as a convenience to users. Martin Connection never stores sensitive data (e.g. social security numbers, mailing addresses or credit card information) in cookies. A cookie cannot be run like a program, nor can it deliver viruses.

Who Can Access Cookies?

Browsers enforce a same-origin policy for accessing cookies. This means a cookie can only be accessed (i.e. viewed or updated) by the Web site that originated it or through privileged (i.e. read or write) local file system access.

As an additional security measure, the contents of all Martin Connection cookies are encrypted in transit and at rest – industry-standard, robustly-implemented Transport Layer Security (TLS) and ciphers such as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) help keep each cookie's content safe and secure in all stages of its life.